The Institute has a Scientific Council established in accordance with the Law on Research Institutes.
The council consists of 40 members, of which 20 members of the Scientific Council are employees of the institute (including 15 independent researchers, 3 doctors, 2 masters). The Minister of National Defense appointed 20 non-ITWL members (including 12 independent academic employees).
The term of office of the Scientific Council lasts 4 years.
The chairman of the Scientific Council is Professor Ph.D., D.Sc. Wojciech Wawrzyński - from Warsaw University of Technology, Chairman of the Transport Committee at the Polish Academy of Science.
The ITWL Scientific Council is authorized to confer doctor and postdoctoral degrees in engineering & technical sciences in the discipline "Mechanical Engineering". The Council initiates, issues opinions and advises for the institute in terms of its statutory activities. Also acts on issues related with conferring scientific degrees.

The chairman of the Scientific Council is Professor
Wojciech Wawrzyński, PhD, DSc
Scientific Council tasks
- Resolution of the Statute;
- Opinion of candidates for positions: Deputy Director for Science, Scientific Secretary and organizational units indicated in the Organizational Regulations, responsible for conducting scientific research;
- giving opinions on directional thematic plans for research and development work and financial work of the Institute, as well as the Director's annual reports from the implementation of tasks;
- Approval of perspective directions of scientific, development and implementation activities;
- giving opinions on connections on the merger, division, transformation or reorganization of the Institute and permanent cooperation between the Institute with other legal persons;
- Opinion of the Organizational Regulations;
- Giving an opinion on the annual financial plan;
- Opinion of annual financial statements;
- Opinion of the Institute's profit distribution;
- Giving opinions on the qualifications of persons for positions of scientific and research and technical workers and making a periodic assessment of the scientific and technical achievements of these employees;
- Opinion of applications for scientific scholarships;
- conducting doctoral and habilitation conductors as well as proceedings for granting a scientific title in the field of authorizations;
- Application to the director for appointment for the position of a professor or professor of the Institute;
- Giving opinions on the regulations for the management of copyright and related rights and industrial property rights and the principles of commercialization of scientific research and development work;
- Approval to the competent minister, a request for inclusion in the integrated qualification system of qualifications broadcast after completing other forms of education, including training and training courses.
The Scientific Council is entitled to occupy the position in all matters relating to the Institute's activities.
The inaugural meeting of the current ITWL Scientific Council took place on 26.02.2022. At the meeting, appointed Chairman of SC, Deputy Chairman of the SC, the Scientific Commission and the Commission for periodic assessment of the scientific achievements of ITWL employees in scientific and research and technical positions. The SC ITWL secretary was also appointed.
Presidium of the ITWL Scientific Council
professor Ph.D. D.SC. Eng. Wojciech Wawrzyński - Chairman of the SC
Ph.D. D.SC. Eng. Mariusz Zieja, prof. ITWL - Deputy Chairman of the SC
Ph.D. Eng. Grzegorz Kowalczyk, prof. ITWL - SC Secretary