
The latest news from the AFIT


From 11 to 14 June 2024, the 12th KONBiN Safety and Reliability Conference took place in Białowieża, organised by the Air Force Institute of Technology and the Faculty of Transport of the Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with the PNTT Polish Maintenance Society.

The project was co-financed from state budget funds awarded by the Minister of Education and Science under the 'Excellent Science II' programme. The Honorary Committee consisted of the Dean of the Faculty of Transport at the Warsaw University of Technology, Prof. Ph.D. Marianna Jacyna and the Director of the Air Force Institute of Technology, Prof. ITWL, PhD. D.Sc. Eng Mirosław Kowalski.

The Chairman of the KONBiN 2024 Conference was the Deputy Director of ITWL for Scientific Affairs, Prof. PhD. D.Sc. Eng, Andrzej Żyluk.

The conference topics included safety and reliability issues in complex human-technical-environmental systems. It was structured in 7 plenary sessions and was attended by representatives of 17 universities and institutions. In total, 50 presentations were given.


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Air Force Institute of Technology
ul. Księcia Bolesława 6
01-494 Warszawa