The Air Force Institute of Technology has obtained funding for the 5D-AeroSafe research project under the HORIZON 2020 program. The project started on June 1, 2020 and will be financed by the European Commission (EUROPEAN COMMISSION Innovation and Networks Executive Agency).
The project consortium consists of the following partners:
- Airbus Defense & Space (Lider) - France
- Future Intelligence Ltd. - Greece
- Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile - France
- Air Force Institute of Technology - Poland
- Vicomtech - Spain
- Hellenic Mediterranean University - Greece
- Ferrovial Corporacion SA - Spain
- Greek Water Airports - Greece
- AirMap Deutschland GmbH - Germany
- Eurocontrol – Belgium
The main goals are:
- Achieving the possibility of inspecting, calibrating and / or checking airport CNS (Communications, Navigation, Surveillance) systems using the RPAS unmanned platform equipped with a miniaturized CNS transponder.
- Provision of a solution enabling the control and calibration of landing systems and navigation aids, such as the Precision Approach Path Light (PAPI) and the VOR system using the RPAS unmanned aerial vehicle.
- Enabling the inspection of airport infrastructure (runway and taxiways) and waterways with the use of an unmanned platform to detect foreign bodies (FOD), birds, etc. With regard to waterways, enabling the support of ditching processes through sea state control (wave size) obstacles (swimmers, boats, etc.) before the flight controllers authorize the launching.
- Enabling the verification of systems supporting GNSS RNAV (aRea NAVigation) approach procedures with the use of an unmanned platform.
- Enabling real-time monitoring of GNSS and EGNOS signals and geolocation of sources of interference / jamming with the use of an unmanned platform.
- Development of an API toolkit (application programming interface) that will enable easy integration of future applications in the traffic management systems of unmanned platforms (UTMs) via the 5D-AeroSafe platform.
- Improving safety through the use of an unmanned platform to patrol sensitive areas and critical infrastructure of the airport.
- Setting the directions for the development of air reconnaissance and control measures to support air operations carried out by the remote air traffic control tower.
The project will last 36 months, during which the following tasks will be completed (WP - Work Packages):
WP1 - Management
WP 2 - Concept of Operations and Regulatory Framework
WP 3 - UAV and Payload Hardware Adaptation and Implementation
WP 4 - Visual Analytics and CNS / Navaids Inspection Analysis
WP 5 - Core 5D-AeroSafe Platform Development
WP 6 - 5D-AeroSafe Architecture Definition, Integration & Pilots
WP 7 - Innovation Management and Exploitation Activities
WP 8 - Dissemination and Communication Activities, & Advisory Board Management
Three ITWL Divisions are involved in the implementation of individual research tasks:
- Department of System Integration C4ISR
- Department of IT Support for Logistics
- Department of Composite Aviation Structures
As part of the Management, the implementation of the Project is supported by:
Department of Planning and Coordination of Scientific and Research Works
- Chief Accountant Department
- Human Resources department
- Promotion Department
- Coordination of External Cooperation Department
The main works performed by the ITWL team are related to the definition of the requirements of potential End Users, the definition of operating scenarios, the adaptation of the ITWL unmanned platforms to the requirements of the Project Objectives, conducting research and demonstrating the capabilities of the 5D Aerosafe system. Flight tests will also be carried out using the Flying Laboratory - the SONEX LL SP-YWL aircraft, on which a new miniature transponder will be tested. An important element of the Project implementation will be the development of a database of elements of the unmanned platform structure, which can be used in the process of ensuring continuous airworthiness.
For the first time, the Institute is a task leader in this type of project. The WP8 task - Dissemination and Communication Activities, & Advisory Board Management provides for the organization of workshops, conferences and meetings with potential End Users. WP8 is aimed at increasing the awareness of the usefulness of the solution developed under the Project and promoting the use of advanced unmanned aerial platforms in the processes of ensuring flying safety.
The ITWL project coordinator is PhD. Eng. Przemysław Mądrzycki, while the Task Manager of WP 8 is M.A. Anna Nikodym - Bilska.