On June 15, 2022, two days before the 69th anniversary of the establishment of the Air Force Institute of Technology, a ceremonial meeting of the ITWL Managing Staff was held in the conference room of the Center for Innovative Aviation Technologies named after President Ryszard Kaczorowski.
The ceremony was opened by ret. Maj. Gen. Pil. PhD. Mieczysław Walentynowicz, Chairman of the Medal Committee “Of Merits for ITWL”, who informed the participants that the Committee had awarded medals with the consecutive numbers "4", "5" and "6".
Later in the session, which took place after the ceremonial hearing of the Airmen's March, the Director of ITWL - PhD. Dsc. B. Eng. Mirosław Kowalski, prof. ITWL took the floor and gave the awards.
Commemorative medals "For merits to ITWL" from the hands of the ITWL Director were received by:
- medal “For Merits to ITWL" with no. 4 - ret. Col. PhD. B. Eng. Zbigniew Żmudziński - a laudatory speech was given by Krzysztof Bubrzyk - Head of the Scientific Information Centre at ITWL
- medal “For Merits to ITWL" with no. 5 - PhD. B. Eng. Teresa Błażejewicz - a laudatory speech was given by Andrzej Dudziński from the Aircrafts and Helicopters Department of ITWL
- medal “For Merits to ITWL" with no. 6 - ret. Col. PhD. B. Eng. Henryk Gajewski - a laudatory speech was given by Janusz Błachowicz from the IT Division of ITWL
On behalf of all the awarded persons, Col. Żmudziński thanked the Director and Chairman of the Committee.
The ceremony ended with the audience listening to the official Polish Army Representative Song "We, the First Brigade”.
The commemorative medal “For Merits to ITWL" is a commemorative award established in 2020 by the order of the ITWL Director.
June 17, 1953 is officially accepted as the establishment date of the post-war military technical institute of aviation. In fact, it was not a new military institute in Poland, especially as it was entrusted with a significant part of the tasks of the pre-war Aviation Technical Institute (ITL), thus becoming the heir and continuator of its activities interrupted by the war.
The name of the Air Force Institute of Technology was introduced 5 years later, in 1958 on the basis by the order of the Minister of National Defence.