On August 11, 2022, celebrations of Polish Armed Forces Day took place at the Institute of Aviation Technology. This holiday, which commemorates the victorious Battle of Warsaw fought in 1920 during the Polish-Bolshevik War, is officially observed on August 15th.
The ceremony was held in the institute's parade ground, where Ph.D., D.Sc. Eng. Mirosław Kowalski, a professor at ITWL, emphasized the significance of the holiday in his address. He highlighted how this holiday commemorates the Battle of Warsaw, stating, "This battle not only saved Poland but the entire Europe from the spread of Bolshevism."
The Director extended his wishes for success and job satisfaction to the officers and civilian staff gathered at the parade ground. He also expressed his gratitude to those assembled for their dedication and contributions to the institute's development.
During the remainder of the festivities, the Director awarded ITWL personnel with gold, silver, and bronze medals "For Merit to National Defense," bestowed by the Minister of National Defense. Subsequently, a commemorative medal "For Merit to ITWL" was presented, which had been awarded based on the recommendation of the Medal Committee to Prof. Ph.D., D.Sc. Eng. Józef Żurek.
In appreciation of their awards, D Sc. eng. Mariusz Pietraszek, Head of the Armament Division, conveyed his gratitude on behalf of the recipients, followed by Janusz Parucki, the Chairman of the Institute's Trade Unions, who also addressed the audience.
The ceremonial gathering concluded with remarks from the Institute's Director.