The basic task of the Avionics Department is the development of avionics systems of military aircraft, the directions of works carried out by the department are:
- Design and integration of on-board avionics systems;
- Modernization and retrofitting of military aircraft in the field of avionics;
- Reliability and efficiency of using avionics systems in the implementation of aviation tasks;
- Development of test methodologies and testing of on-board avionics devices;
- Analysis of causes of malfunctioning and development of preventive measures;
- Research on the possibility of extending the service life of system components after a period guaranteed by the supplier;
- Research and development of the components of the aircraft crew rescue equipment;
- Calibration of pressure equipment.
The facility operates an accredited Laboratory of Pressure Measurements and the Fonoscopy Laboratory.
Chief of Division: Ph.D., D.Sc. Eng. Sławomir MICHALAK
tel./fax 261 85 13 43